The BPSU Migrant Workers Committee is a Standing Committee established as per Article V – Organization; 2 (f) General Council of the Constitution of the Bermuda Public Services Union.

Migrant Workers Committee Chairperson: Sis. Shavonna Simpson
Definition of a Migrant Worker in Bermuda
A migrant worker in Bermuda refers to an individual who has relocated from another
country to Bermuda for employment purposes. These individuals are typically required to
obtain work permits or residency approval from the Bermuda Government before they can
legally reside and work on the island. While they may not "migrate" in the traditional
sense, as they do not possess automatic rights to live and work in Bermuda, their status is
characterized by their temporary or conditional permission to work, often tied to specific
job roles or employers.
This group of workers play a vital role in enriching the island's cultural landscape,
integrating their diverse backgrounds and traditions with the vibrant fabric of Bermuda’s
community. Within the union, they are embraced within our BPSU community and
supported by the Migrant Workers Committee, which advocates for their rights and well-
being. This cultural exchange contributes to the overall diversity and inclusion of the
island, fostering a more dynamic and multicultural society.
The purpose of the Committee is:
To proactively champion the rights and well-being of its migrant worker members,
commonly referred to in the Bermuda community as expatriate workers or guest
workers. This involves ensuring their access to fair and safe working conditions and
promoting their full integration into both the BPSU and the broader Bermuda
community across all collective bargaining units.
To promote inclusivity and belonging among BPSU’s migrant worker members by
offering essential guidance and advocacy, including active participation in
negotiations, swift support in urgent situations, and the development of tailored
resource materials covering workers rights and legal protections.
To mobilize support to develop well-informed action plans addressing the unique
challenges experienced by migrant worker members within the BPSU. The
Committee also aims to foster collaborations and partnerships with government
and private sector stakeholders, with the ultimate goal of positioning the Union as
a leading advocate for migrant workers in Bermuda.
To regularly engage with migrant worker members to identify barriers,
opportunities, and practical solutions and understand their needs and concerns in
the workplace and the broader community.
To provide recommendations to the President and General Secretary for
presentation and consideration by the Executive Committee and General Council
regarding issues, policies, initiatives, and legislative changes related to migrant
workers within the BPSU.
To advocate for and represent the interests and concerns of migrant worker
members within the BPSU to higher leadership and decision-making bodies within
the Government of Bermuda and other relevant stakeholders.
To be responsible for developing and distributing a BPSU Migrant Workers
Handbook, serving as a valuable resource for migrant worker members.
Additionally, it will ensure the regular creation, updates, and publication of source
materials relevant to migrant workers on various social media platforms. This
effort will be in alignment with government publications and/or policies,
To evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the Committee's efforts and make
recommendations for improvements as necessary.
To maintain centralized records and documentation regarding the Committee's
activities and initiatives at the Secretariat for efficient access and reference.
Specific Areas of Responsibility
The Committee has limited authority to operate within its annually approved
budget; and acts as advisors to the General Council as it relates to the
improvement and advocacy of migrant worker member matters.
The Committee shall collaborate with other BPSU standing and ad-hoc committees
when their objectives align to prevent overlapping events and enhance BPSU
membership participation.
The Committee is responsible for establishing and enforcing guidelines and
procedures that align with the BPSU Strategic Plan to govern its operations and
Sis. Dr. Michelle Evans, Vice Chairperson
Sis. Reaia Ball, Secretary
Bro. Joseph Dosserie
Sis. Karen Grant-Simmons
Sis. Maureen Waithaka
Sis. Marie-Ann Brown
Sis. Isis Wellman